• 550 Oxford Street, Sheffield, S6 3FG
  • 0114 266 2654
  • sol.ltd@btconnect.com

qualified, helpful, knowledgeable.


functional appliances, Sheffield Orthodontic LabsOur fully qualified and experienced technicians have attended courses in all the mainstream functional appliances.

We were the first laboratory to attend Bill Clark’s Twin Block course in Kirkcaldy and ran many subsequent courses ourselves.

We are always happy to discuss your unique requirements and share our vast technical experience with you.

We are best known for working with the big names in functional therapy.

For decades we have made and modified the best of the best appliances used for treating class II and class III malocclusions. We have a number of alternate designs for Twin Blocks, Bionators, Andresen, Fraenkel and others. We also have experience of the Bio bloc and associated peripherals.

We are happy to support courses on this subject and attend or provide back up and demonstrations.